
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Photoshoot Dress Inspiration

It's no secret that I love fashion.  However, when it comes to dressing myself, I tend to stick to a similar look: Sundresses with lighter fabrics that help me manage the Houston heat while still looking chic.  I also tend to stick to dresses in hues I know will work well with my coloring.   

Admittedly I am not typically very photogenic.  There have been numerous times when I have tried to do a personal outfit post, but end up deleting my draft before it ever gets published- I just feel so cheesy and unnatural when posing by myself!  Hence my anxiety regarding an upcoming photo shoot for my blog redesign.  Here are a few dresses I have found online that I like for possible outfits for the photos.  Which one is your favorite?

  This is where you come in- I need all you fashionistas to give me your advice!  What kind of clothes look best on camera? Does anyone have any tips for how to feel and look more natural when getting photos taken?  I'd love your advice!


  1. I love the first and the second dress! Love the colors of both! I feel the same way- I actually have my first outfit photoshoot scheduled for tomorrow and I am petrified! My photographer just says to think of things that make you happy and enjoy the moment. I'll try! I look forward to seeing the photos and your new blog design!

  2. The mint green one and the pink one are my favourites! They're both classy, stylish and feminine!

  3. Definitely wear something bright. One of my best friend's is a photographer and she ALWAYS wants people to wear color. I like the jersey dress and the belted dress!

  4. I LOVE the black and the belted dress! Tres fab! You will be BEAUTIFUL Darling, don't you worry!

    xoxo, Sarah

  5. I love the peplum dress but know that it is probably too trendy. I like going with neutrals and to bring in color through your accessories or shoes. But that's just me. I think this is best for a photo shoot because you don't want to look back 10 years from now and be like umm why was I wearing that nasty color mint? Even if it is the IT thing now - you know? Haha okay xox

  6. I LOVE the Topshop Fluro Dip Hem Dress! So fun and relaxed. Maybe with a chunky necklace?

  7. The mint green one is my fave! I'm seriously in love! I wish I had some photo tips to give you, but I've only done one outfit post so I'm certinaly not an expert :) I can't wait to see what you come up with though!

    xoxo, me

  8. I love the blue wrap dress, it just looks so slimming! I advice would be to stick with anything that helps define your waist!

  9. Oooo I love the three on the bottom!! But I believe my favorite is the pink and orange!

  10. I love the first and second ones! but of course that's a mom talking... you're going to look great no matter what!
    xo Nancy

  11. Great looks! All do different and fab. I would base it off our blog redesign and the feel you are going for. Structured or casual? Something that defines you. I really like the yellow dress, feminine soft and fun!

  12. Obviously it depends what kind of look you want, but the second is my favourite. I'm really un-photogenic too, but it's really just about enjoying yourself, I actually quite like having my photo taken because when we get a good one I feel really good about myself. Just imagine you're in your own little world and have fun!
    Dreams In A Poppy Field...

  13. I think I might need to purchase that second one! Perfect for summer!!

  14. I love that photo from the Sydney fashion week.... Humm, as for the photoshoot I'd say I love the black peplum but I think the pink and red would come out fab!!

  15. Love the simple flowing silhouette of the light green number! You'll look gorgeous no matter what! Can't wait for the re-design to launch

  16. Oh! Fun...I'm excited to see your photos. I think you're beautiful and you just have to relax and play around while your photos are taken :) I'm adoring the mint one with the bow and the light blue one. I have a hot pink one from Anthro in the same cut (long in the back, shorter in the front) and I LOVE it :)

  17. I love the Splendid Dress! And you my friend are def photogenic!

  18. I am 100% with you on the personal style posts. I feel sooooo awk & delete pics immediately. I would do something bright for sure! Although the Peplum one could be really cute too! And yeah, it's trendy but that's ok! that look will be around for another season or so! xoo Elizabeth

  19. The peplum is definitely not too trendy! And black looks GREAT on camera!

  20. Just be yourself! Turning yourself at an angle takes the most flattering picture.
    I can't wait to see your beautiful self!

  21. I'm digging the hem dress! it's so easy and comfortable looking. It's definitely on the casual side but can be dressed up with some awesome accessories! best of luck! you will look fabulous!


  22. you'll look great in the pictures don't worry! so exciting :) i don't think the black peplums too trendy, with a pretty necklace it would look great. i also love the coral and blue dresses!

  23. Ahhhh the oasis beaded dress is to die! To die. Also loving the peplum. The peplum is a great dress that can be used for day and night. Go with it!

  24. Oh my heavens...I sure wish I had some good advice, but darn it, I'm terrible at it, too! I really think that where these bloggers that do outfit posts all the time (good ones) really have an edge is having a photographer that really captures the good moments! I'm completely jealous of Jessica and Kendi because they have photog hubbies! Wouldn't that be nice??? (c:

  25. I actually love the black peplum! I don't think it's too trendy- I think it actually looks classic since it's black. Also I think it will be really flattering! I love the mint w/ the bow but not sure how that will look on camera? When you try on I would take your iphone and take pics so you can see how the color and design looks on you on camera :)

  26. I love the blue and citrus dress! I think you just need to be yourself and forget that there's a camera.



  27. These are all lovely dresses but my favorite has to be the gorgeous pink two toned belted dress! So pretty!

    Have a great weekend, Sam!


  28. I have my eyes on that neon colored dress! Great finds!

  29. I like the Modcloth Beachfront best! ADORABLE and very YOU!

    I can't wait to see what you are doing for your re-design, it's lovely as is!

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What say you? I'm all ears.